Your 3 Step Plan to Burn Fat 24/7

I am sure you have heard about increasing your metabolic rate ( Base Metabolic Rate to be precise) and how it can help you burn more fat and calories, but is it possible to turn up the heat to such an extent that it can help you burn fat 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, HELL YES!!!!

The best part is that it is extremely easy to do and today I am going to show you my 3 step plan to help you burn fat 24/7, not just by increasing your metabolic rate, but also putting your body in an optimal fat burning state.

Step 1 : Workouts
One of the easiest and fastest ways to increase your metabolism is by doing the right kind of workouts. The good news is that the type of workouts you need to do is exciting and short. No more hours and hours of long boring slow cardio sessions for you! So what kind of workouts are we looking at?


The first is HIIT ( High Intensity Interval Training ). Now HIIT comes in many formats from Tabata to EIIT ( Extreme High Intensity Interval Training ) but it is all the same thing really. You do a certain exercise for a period of high intensity ( Flat Out ) and then alternate it with a period of slow intensity or active recovery. So let’s say you are on the treadmill. You will then jog slowly for 30seconds and then speed it up to a sprint for 30seconds after which you will recover again for 30seconds. You will then continue this for around 20mins. Now research has shown that although you might burn less calories during the actual workout, you will actually burn more total calories as you raise your metabolism and you continue to burn fat for as long as 24 hours after your workouts.

Weight Training

Ever heard of Metabolic Resistance/Weight Training? No? Don’t worry, you have been doing a lot of it already as many of our home workouts are actually based on this system ( That is why you have been getting such great results :) ). MRT is a must if you want to skyrocket your metabolism to such heights that you will be burning fat 24/7. In fact, research has shown that MRT can actually raise your metabolism for over 30 hours after you stopped the actual workout. In simple terms MRT is where you do weight training with very little rest in-between sets. I just mentioned Tabata Training in the HIIT section and in fact that is a great type of MRT and one of the main reasons why you will see many of our home body weight workout videos based on this type of interval training. In fact if you have ever tried the 6WeekSixPack Challenge then you will know all about the effectiveness of this type of weight training as it is almost 100% based on this. MRT really takes that AFTERBURN effect you might have heard of to a whole new level and if you want to burn fat 24/7 you must make this type of workout part of your weekly routine. ( TIP: Search for full body or fat burning workouts on our site and you will find many workouts like this )

Step 2: Diet
The next step in setting yourself up to burn fat even while you sleep is to make sure you put your body in a fat burning state. There is no point in you working your butt off in the gym but you make it extra hard for your body to actually burn fat by eating the wrong kind of stuff. So let’s look at exactly what you should eat and do to make sure your metabolism stays nice and high and you release the right hormones to help you burn fat fast.


BORING, I know, you have heard it a million times. But unfortunately you will hear it one more time, YOU NEED TO EAT BREAKFAST! But it is not just about eating breakfast, you must eat the right kind of foods for breakfast. The first food you must eat is a lot of high quality complex carbs. Your body has just been in a fasting state for 8 hours, it needs carbs, NO, let me rephrase that, IT CRAVES CARBS! Combine that with a good source of protein and you are ready to go. ( Check out The Ultimate Breakfast that I eat almost every day )

5 to 6 Meals Per Day

Yip, you know this one as well I hope but what you must also know is that it is not just about eating regularly, but also about eating the right types of foods at the right time of day. In short, you want to eat protein with each one of your meals during the day but you want to eat a portion of complex carbs ( Sweet potato, Oats etc ) with that protein for first 3 meals of the day and then replace it with fibrous ( Veggies , Salads etc) carbs and fats for the last 2 or 3 meals of the day. This way you will feed your body energy when it needs it and not have an excess amount of carbs at the end of the day that will be stored as FAT!

Cheat Meals

You must have cheat meals! “What, did I hear that right, you said I should cheat on my diet!!!???” Yes you heard me right. But it is not just to give you a break from your normal diet, it is absolutely necessary to help you burn more fat over the long haul. How? Without going into too much detail here, you have certain hormones that help you body burn fat or puts your body in a fat burning state. When you go on a diet or calorie deficit meal plan some of these hormone levels start to fall as well which will have a direct impact on your metabolism and ability to burn fat. The great news is that one of the best ways to get these hormone levels back up to the right levels is to eat foods that contain simple carbs and fats, you know, the stuff you LIKE eating like cookies, pizza, lasagna etc. So you must incorporate cheat meals into your weekly routine to make sure you keep your hormones at the right levels to make sure your body burns fat 24/7.

Step 3 : Muscle
If you don’t know it by now, muscle is the most active organ in your body. Think about it, everything you do requires one or other muscle to work. Right now your eyes might be moving left and right to read this article, muscle at work! You are always breathing and your heart is always pumping, all muscles that are hard at work. But here is what is really of importance to us, ever extra pound of muscle can burn anywhere from 30-100 extra calories a day. That is extra calories you will burn just because you have that extra muscle. Let’s work on an average of 50 calories per extra pound of muscle and say you add just 10 extra pounds of muscle. That is an extra 500 calories per day you will burn for doing nothing or 3500 calories per week. And for those that do not know it, 3500 calories is the same amount of calories you need to lose to drop 1 pound of fat. I hope all of this is starting to make sense but in short, if you add more muscle your body will need more energy in the form of calories to move that muscle and so you will burn more calories and fat to do so. So every now and then try and go onto a muscle building phase and add some muscle that will not only help you look better, but also help you burn fat 24/7!

And there you go, your 3 step plan to burn fat 24/7, FREE OF CHARGE! :) 
Fully copied from


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